레이더 모듈
K-LC 7 radar transceiver
이메일 주소 (메뉴얼 전송용)
0 원
– Small and low cost 24 GHz transceiver
– Two Rx Antennas for angle measurement
– I / Q IF outputs
– Fully integrated low phase noise VCO
– Built in temperature compensation circuit for VCO stabilization
– Wide power supply range from 3.2 to 5.5V
– 3 × 4 patch antenna with 80°/ 34° beam aperture
– Available as SMT or THT type
– Direction sensitive movement detection
– Security systems
– Home automation
– Indoor and outdoor lighting control applications
– Object speed measurement systems
– Ranging detection of moving objects using FSK
– Industrial sensors
The K-LC7 is a small and low cost radar module which allows
angle measurements. The module is operating in the 24.0 GHz
to 24.25 GHz ISM band and it has a built in low phase noise VCO,
which makes the module suitable for FSK or FMCW applications.
The internal temperature compensating circuit keeps the output
frequency stable over a wide temperature range.
IF outputs I and Q allow movement direction detection and high
performance signal processing.
The sensor has a 3 x 4 patch radar frontend with an asym metrical
beam. The built-in voltage regulator covers a wide power supply
range from 3.2 to 5.5V. The module provides a frequency divided
output which can be used to measure the output frequency
of the VCO.
The K-LC7 is offered as SMD or THT type. The SMD-Type can
be mounted using standard pick and place machines and is compatible
with Refl ow solder process.
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- 공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시.광고 내용과 다르거나 다르게 이행된 경우에는 공급받은 날로부터 3월이내, 그사실을 알게 된 날로부터 30일이내
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- 포장을 개봉하였거나 포장이 훼손되어 상품가치가 상실된 경우 (예 : 가전제품, 식품, 음반 등, 단 액정화면이 부착된 노트북, LCD모니터, 디지털 카메라 등의 불량화소에 따른 반품/교환은 제조사 기준에 따릅니다.)
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- 시간의 경과에 의하여 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 상품등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
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