레이더 모듈

K-MC1 Radar Transceiver

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K-MC1 Radar Transceiver

Key Features:
24GHz K-band
25°x12° Pattern
FM Input
I/Q Mixer
Mixer DC output
RSW Sleep Mode


K-MC1 is a 60 patch doppler module with an asymmetrical narrow beam for long distance sensors. I

t is ideally suited for traffic supervision.

This module includes two 55dB low noise preamplifiers for both I and Q channels. The need for external analogue electronics will be significantly reduced by this feature. For special signal condition applications, an additional buffered Mixer DC output is provided. This greatly improves flexibility in multistep FSK ranging applications. The unique "RSW" Rapid Sleep Wakeup function with

< 1% with full movement detection capability by sampling the IF signals.
An extremely slim construction with only 6mm depth gives you maximum flexibility in your equipment design.

K-MC1 Block Diagram

Energy Saving
Is your equipment battery or solar cell operated?
K-MC1 and K-MC3 modules are equipped with a power saving technology: Rapid Sleep Wakeup.
RSW allows power savings up to 90% and more.
For more information please download the datasheet in the download section above.

Typical Applications:

Movement detection 

 Activate light on advertising boards
 Attract attention to an object

Speed measurement 

 Inform driver of his actual speed
 Measure distances between vehicles

 Data Sheet

RF Beam DataSheet_37. K-MC1 radar transceiver : CRAECA 판매 제품 각종 자료실 (


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