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Eagle (MR3003) Radar Transceiver

Key Features:
76 - 81GHz Radar Transceiver with Digital Signal Processing
Based on NXP’s MR3003/S32R274 chipset
3 TX and 4 RX channels
Integrated PLL-based Fast Chirp Generator
Switchable wide and narrow TX beams
Ethernet Interface
Detection Distance 35m (Human) 100m (Cars)
Compact size: 76×44×38.5mm


The MR3003_RD is a reference design based on NXP’s MR3003 ('Eagle') chipset. This design builds a high-end 2D Radar transceiver with 4 receiving channels and a low phase noise, PLL controlled transmitter. The integrated Chirp generator allows creating very fast frequency sweeps. The target information from the 4 receive antennas is digitized and the high speed digital signal processing performs range and doppler FFTs with an update rate of 10 measurements per second. The high frequency bandwidth allows good distance resolution. Target information is sent out using the integrated Ethernet interface.

The radar is delivered with an example Matlab software and also the Radar firmware in C-code. With the graphical User Interface all Radar modes can be selected and targets are visualized in 2D Range-Doppler maps or a Range-Angle display.

Typical Applications:

Intrusion Alarm 

 Detection movement in room
 Measure distance to object

Movement detection 

 Activate light on advertising boards
 Attract attention to an obje

Speed measurement 

 Inform driver of his actual speed
 Measure distances between vehicles

 Data Sheet

RF Beam DataSheet_38. MR3003_RD : CRAECA 판매 제품 각종 자료실 (


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